Mar 04

Vegas Drift Practice – Bullring lot on 02/21/2015

10981863_929838390389647_425351701830089923_nAbout this night practice event, it was to bring back some old school tracks. Not fully sure but I think this is coming more as a closure from the announcement from last year in regards to bringing more of an old school and limit the competition with Spirit of the streets, as I have taken notice with South West Drift is starting to launch off this year. Recently the forums has been taken offline I believe it is due to the Facebook groups has more traffic then the forums. Or is t in preparing for the newly to be launch With little details it is not much more then a rumor mill.

I ran my car that night, I didn’t have much tires but I am definitely back in the groove of things, That day started out rocky as I had to get 2 tires to replaced the recently burned up from best of vegas last year.

thumb.phpThe course was a bit different but it is a bit fun, I didn’t have to shift out of second gear, instead unless I spun out and I did so alot of times due to incorrect power or got thrown off by the misplacement of the cones. Starting off I was flying by the edge of my seat today, I headed over to LLantera to get some cheap tires and then from there I made it around 2:15 to check in and unload to get tech inspected, after the drivers meeting I head back to 7-11 on Craig and Las Vegas Blvd. From there I was greeted with 4 pan handlers asking for change and one was trying their hardest to get the 2 dollars in quarters that I had for air in my tires. They looked bad, looked like a witch from fairy tails all talking with desperation and with massive arm sores.

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I had one great night of fun, alot of weight transfer and clutch kicking is my way tonight and multiple times I launched great but ended with a spin out or loosing my line due to a cone in the middle or somehow forgetting where I was located. I learned more with my cars control tonight, it felt great to have fun. Only issue I seen was how long it took per run. I was waiting at least 15 – 20 minutes per run but I had atleast 20 runs that night my gopro only got about 13 runs.

Also I want to shoutout to this guy, as it made my day to hear stuff like this and read it on instagram via #vegasdrift hashtag.


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